
Faculty Personal Pages

Usually colleges maintain a faculty directory or a profile page for each of the faculty members.  Either format can contain links to personal websites maintained by professors.  We do not have regulations at this time for the personal faculty sites except that we suggest you have links to www.southalabama.edu and to your academic department from your personal site. In addition, files supporting specific University classes should be posted in Canvas rather than on this site; and you must be careful not to post confidential materials. See the University's Information Systems Security Policy for additional information. 

Web Services recommends that you continue to maintain your personal site as you currently do but requests that it be linked to your profile or to the departmental faculty directory for easier access.  Just have it cleared with your department and ask the departmental webmaster to update the faculty directory with a link to your site or add a link on your faculty profile page.  Web Services can help you find the appropriate contact for your college if needed.

We recommend the use of Google Sites for building your personal site. This is available as through Google Apps for Education and is associated with your JagMail account so additional credentials are not required.